Storage and transportation of oxidants and Organic peroxides

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1. Oxidants should be stored in a clean, cool, ventilated, and dry warehouse. Keep away from sparks and heat sources, prevent sunlight exposure, and ensure explosion-proof lighting equipment.

2. The warehouse should not leak water and should prevent acid mist from entering. It is strictly prohibited to mix and store with acids, combustibles, organic matter, reducing agents, self igniting materials, flammable materials in contact with moisture, etc.

3. Different types of oxidants should be stored and transported in appropriate warehouses according to their properties and fire protection methods. For example, Organic peroxides shall not be stored and transported together with inorganic oxidant; Nitrite, Chlorous acid and hypochlorite shall not be stored and transported together with other oxidants; Peroxides should be stored in dedicated warehouses and transported by dedicated vehicles.

During the storage and transportation process, loading, unloading, and handling should be handled with care, and should not be thrown or rolled. Efforts should be made to avoid friction, impact, and explosion. Special attention should be paid to Chlorate, Organic peroxides, etc.

5. During transportation, it should be shipped separately and should not be mixed with vehicles such as acids, flammable materials, spontaneous combustion materials, flammable materials in contact with moisture, organic matter, and reducing agents.

6. Before and after storage in the warehouse and loading and unloading of transportation vehicles, they should be thoroughly cleaned and cleaned. Strictly prevent impurities such as organic and flammable substances from being mixed in.

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