Common terms of Organic peroxides

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Organic peroxides

A liquid or solid organic compound that contains a divalent OO structure and can be considered as a derivative of hydrogen peroxide where one or two hydrogen atoms have been replaced by organic groups. This term also includes organic peroxide formulations (mixtures). Organic peroxides are substances or mixtures that can undergo exothermic self accelerated decomposition and thermal instability. In addition, they can have one or more of the following properties:

a) Explosive decomposition;

b) Rapid combustion;

c) Sensitive to impact or friction;

d) Hazardous reactions with other substances

Note: In laboratory tests, Organic peroxides is easy to explode, deflagrate rapidly or show violent effects when heated under closed conditions, and is considered to be explosive.

active oxygen

It refers to the oxidation capacity existing in Organic peroxides expressed in the form of oxygen (when oxygen: 8.00)

Self accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT)

The minimum temperature at which peroxides begin to accelerate decomposition in sturdy packaging suitable for storage and transportation.

half life

The time required for Organic peroxides to decompose 50% under specific temperature conditions.

Alarm temperature (Tem)

Temperature at which first aid measures must be taken (e.g. removal of Organic peroxides). Obtained from the self accelerating decomposition temperature.

Control temperature (Te)

The maximum temperature at which the product can be safely stored. Calculated from the self accelerating decomposition temperature

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